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Nowadays, the old and deteriorated buildings are being renovated and repaired to meet the changing use of the building space. The renovation and repair of the building during the work may encounter problems that affect the success of the project. Therefore, this research aims to study and analyze problems from real estate renovation and repair projects. The data were collected from interviews with four experts and used to create questionnaires to collect opinions on the frequency and impact of problems occurring in real estate renovation and repair projects. The sample consisted of 400 project owners, project consultants, designers, engineers, and contractors with experience in real estate renovation and repair projects using a convenient randomized method. The factor analysis method was then applied to group problems and inferential statistical analysis to test the opinion hypothesis of the sample with different job titles and work experiences. The results found that problems can be divided into eight groups, and the top three on the Severity Index (SI) are 1) Unforeseen problems from demolition 2) Changes in design due to unclear policy setting by the project owner 3) Lack of as-built drawings or no information that matches the facts of the job site. In addition, the hypothesis testing results revealed that the group of respondents with different job titles and work experiences had different opinions on the problem in real estate renovation and repair projects. Finally, the research suggests appropriate management practices to help mitigate future risks, contributing to more efficient project management.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
The published articles are copyright of the Engineering Journal of Research and Development, The Engineering Institute of Thailand Under H.M. The King's Patronage (EIT).
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