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The objective of this research is to analyze raw banana powder as a substitute material for the production of ice cream sticks. This will reduce single-use and waste. The research process used value engineering techniques as a guideline. The sequence of steps was as follows: 1) function analyzing of ice cream sticks from wood, 2) diagnosing the properties of raw banana powder and ingredients to replace the functions of wooden ice cream sticks, 3) forming and baking, 4) measuring the hardness and water activity of the sticks, 5) testing of shelf life, 6) summarizing and discussing the results. It was found that the suitable ratio (percent by weight) of raw banana powder: wheat flour: sugar: water was 42:11:21:26 which had a hardness of 38.53 N and a water activity value of 0.068. The maximum of shelf life was 8 days. The economic evaluation showed that the cost of ice cream sticks from raw banana powder was higher than the wooden ice cream sticks at 1.49 baht per piece. Moreover, ice-cream sticks from raw banana powder had no CO2 emission equivalent to disposal.
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