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This article presents a study for exploring the obstacles of cycling and their influences on intention to cycling in daily life instead of using motorcycles and private cars for travelers in Chonburi’s urban areas, Muang, Si Racha, Bang Lamung (Pattaya) District. Four factor groups, convenience and comfort, travel safety, attitudes, and physical matters, are considered as hypothetically aspects that should be the barriers of cycling in daily life. Accidental random sampling was used as mean for selecting 750 samples to complete the questionnaires with face-to-face interview. After screening process, 597 datasets were analysed by descriptive statistics and then, multiple regression analysis. The results found that, from the focused group’s point of views, all variables in attitude group, bicycle prices and travel obstruction by hawker in convenience and comfort group, and narrow road or alley in physical matters group aren’t the obstacles of cycling in daily life. Then, the results from multiple regression analysis found that, for convenience and comfort group, dilapidated bicycle (b = -0.230, sig. < 0.001), without dressing room at work place (b = 0.217, sig. < 0.001), and travel obstruction by curb parking (b = 0.353, sig. < 0.001), for attitude group, self-esteemed (b = 0.245, sig. = 0.045), feeling success (b = 0.444, sig. < 0.001), making a mistake (b = -0.284, sig. = 0.002), and ashamed and fail (b = -0.181, sig. = 0.004), and for physical group, grating cover (b = -0.160, sig. = 0.036) and narrow road and alley (b = 0.233, sig. < 0.001) are significantly impacts on intention to use bicycle in daily life instead of using motorcycle and private car. However, never influences of variables in travel safety group on the intention to cycling.
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