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Mongkol Ussavadilokrit
Tivarit Sukwhan


Home renovation and repair in Thailand has become more popular after the COVID-19 outbreak as people spend more time at home, resulting in a need to improve the space to make it more suitable for use. However, home renovation and repair projects often encounter the problem of contractors abandoning their projects, which affects both homeowners and contractors. This research aims to study the problems that cause contractors to abandon their projects in home renovation and repair, as well as to propose ways to prevent the problem. This research is qualitative research using a data collection method by interviewing the opinions of twelve contractors/construction business owners or engineers who have three years or more experience in home renovation and repair and have been responsible for projects worth more than one hundred fifty thousand baht. The researcher checked the validity of the question set by analyzing the consistency index. Then, the triangulation method was used to check the consistency of the data. In addition, the content analysis technique was used until the data was saturated to ensure that the obtained data was consistent with the objectives of the research. The results of the research found that the problems from the scope of work group, the financial problem group, and the quality of work group and the group of human resource problems covers up to 82% of the problems. If contractors manage to solve and prevent problems that may occur in these 4 groups, it will help reduce the chances of job abandonment and increase work efficiency effectively.

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