Phosphorus Cycling between Sediment and Overlying Water in Ben Chifely Reservoir, Australia under Simulated Core Incubation

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AKM M Rahman
Dhia Al Bakri


The flux of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) was estimated under simulated oxic, anoxic and aerated conditions in sediment cores collected from two sites in a meso-eutrophic reservoir that differ in depth and limnological characteristics. Hypolimnetic accumulation and the concentration of P in various sediment fractions were also studied to determine the factors and processes influencing SRP flux at the sediment-water interface. The average release of SRP under anoxic incubation varied between 16 - 70 μmol/m2/day and 20 - 94 μmol/m2/day in shallow and deep-water sites respectively. On the other hand, SRP was almost entirely lost to the sediment during simulated oxic or aerated experiments. Temperature influence on P release from the sediment was significant and the increment is considerable at water temperature above 20oC. The reservoir sediment contained a large proportion of iron and aluminum bound P (Fe and Al-P). Fe and P ratio in the sediment exceeded 15 indicating high retention capacity of P by the sediment. Besides, the high amount of Fe and Al-P in the sediment reflects redox dependent P mobilization. Therefore, management needs targeting retention capacity of the sediment and alteration of anoxic condition in the hypolimnion during warmer months.

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How to Cite
Rahman, A. M., & Bakri, D. A. (2018). Phosphorus Cycling between Sediment and Overlying Water in Ben Chifely Reservoir, Australia under Simulated Core Incubation. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 16(2), 11–19. Retrieved from
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