Potential of Passive Sampling and Plant Absorption to Quantify Inhalation Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds DOI: 10.32526/ennrj/19/2020110

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Veerapas Na Roi-et
Supawat Chaikasem


Emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from photocopiers was investigated to assess the potential health impacts on inhalation exposure to VOCs. VOCs samples were collected during working hours using SKC VOCs 575 series passive sample. Twenty-one quantified VOCs were measured and analyzed by GC-MS/MS. The results showed that the total VOCs concentration emitted in the photocopy centers A and B were 2.29×104 and 2.32×104 µg/m3, respectively. The highest detected chemical was trans-1,2-Dichloroethene at about 2.18×104 (photocopy center A) and 2.15×104 µg/m3 (photocopy center B (The results reveal that the non-carcinogenic risk for inhalation exposure to m-Xylene, p-Xylene, and trans-1,2-Dichloroethene were in the range 0.94-1.53 and 1.19-1.79 and 51.54-52.23, respectively, resulting in the hazard index (HI) of non-carcinogenic VOCs in total being greater than 1.0. This indicated that the cumulative effects of inhalation exposure to VOCs at low concentrations should be of concern, even though it does not exceed the occupational exposure limits and Threshold Limit Values-Time Weighted Average for the mixtures (TLV-TWAmix). Plants display a greener solution to reduce indoor air pollution. The bio-concentration levels of total VOCs in Epipremnum aureum were noted as 74.71 to 174.42, signifying that E. aureum is effective for removal of VOCs naturally and sustainably.

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How to Cite
Na Roi-et, V., & Chaikasem, S. (2020). Potential of Passive Sampling and Plant Absorption to Quantify Inhalation Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds : DOI: 10.32526/ennrj/19/2020110. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 19(1), 43–56. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ennrj/article/view/240869
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