Brick Sector and Air Quality: An Integrated Assessment towards 2020 Challenge of Environment Development 10.32526/ennrj/19/2020203

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Shazia Pervaiz
Muhammad Ameer Nawaz Akram
Filza Zafar Khan
Kanwal Javid
Younis Zahid


Brick sector is a mainstay of the urban economy of Punjab. The traditional technology of brick making emits a lot of toxic gases and smoke particulates into air. Hence, the Government of the Punjab, Pakistan announced a ban on low technology brick kiln operations during winter season by the end of December 2020. Initially, the existing set up of brick kilns and air pollution levels were evaluated before and during lockdown period using spatial application. Further, environmental parameters such as aerosols, carbon monoxide, ozone, sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide were determined to analyze the air quality, including metrological factors. Results of the study exhibited that the upper and central regions of Punjab are the major hubs of brick kilns. So, the level of air quality was inconsistent in the study period due to the existence of large mushrooms of brick kilns. Further, despite lockdown the highest concentration of carbon monoxide was recorded in the eastern side of the province, such as Kasur, Lahore, and Sheikhupura. The level of aerosols also fluctuated and shifted its trends in the central and southern part of the province. While SO2 and CO2 level declined and revealed a satisfactory level of air quality during shutdown. On the other hand, no significant relation to metrological factors, such as rain, is involved in the pollution reduction. Conclusively, the findings of the present study encourage the government agencies to realign the stringent control measures to improve the quality of air in the winter months using the experience of quarantine in 2020.

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How to Cite
Pervaiz, S. ., Akram, M. A. N. ., Khan, F. Z. ., Javid, K., & Zahid, Y. (2021). Brick Sector and Air Quality: An Integrated Assessment towards 2020 Challenge of Environment Development: 10.32526/ennrj/19/2020203. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 19(2), 153–164. retrieved from
Original Research Articles
Author Biography

Shazia Pervaiz, Enviornemntal Protection Agency Punjab, Pakistan

Dr. Shazia Pervaiz, is serving as a Deputy Director (Technical) at Environmental Protection Agency, Punjab.

Academic: PhD Environmental Science from the Department of Environmental Science, Lahore College of Women University, Lahore and specialized in Sustainable Development and Planning.

Practical experience: Experience in national projects, for example: Regulatory Control on Environmental Degradation through Capacity Building of EPA, Punjab and Dengue Control and Eradication from Punjab.

Membership: World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) and Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID). She thinks women can play proactive role in green growth and eco-future of the country.



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