Adaptability of Siamese Rosewood and Teak Seedlings to Varying Light Conditions 10.32526/ennrj/19/202100003

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Nisa Leksungnoen
Suwimon Uthairatsamee
Tushar Andriyas


Rosewood and Teak are valuable timber species, which have been heavily logged from both natural forests and plantations. Climate change has also contributed to a reduction in their numbers. We studied their light adaptability at the seedling stage to quantify the growth and physiological characteristics under 10% and 100% of full sunlight. Rosewood performed better, as indicated by the relative growth rate, chlorophyll content, and chlorophyll efficiency, under both shade and sunlight. We also simulated a sudden change in light intensity (gap opening up in the canopy) by exposing seedlings, previously under shade, to full sunlight. Rosewood seedlings responded faster (higher relative growth rate) to changing light conditions relative to Teak. We conclude that Rosewood seedlings can be planted either under shade, or in full sunlight, or in a location experiencing sudden change from shade to sunlight, while Teak seedlings should be planted under at least 10% sunlight, but not in full sunlight, as it can lead to chlorophyll and tissue damage. 

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How to Cite
Leksungnoen, N. ., Uthairatsamee, S., & Andriyas, T. . (2021). Adaptability of Siamese Rosewood and Teak Seedlings to Varying Light Conditions: 10.32526/ennrj/19/202100003. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 19(6), 449–458. retrieved from
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