The Effect of Change in Function from Paddy Field to Dry Land on Soil Fertility Index 10.32526/ennrj/20/202100127

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Mujiyo Mujiyo
Galih Joko Puspito
Suntoro Suntoro
Rahayu Rahayu
Purwanto Purwanto


This research studied the effect of the change in function from paddy field to dry land on the soil fertility index. The research was conducted in Girimarto Sub-district, Wonogiri District, in the Province of Central Java. The five stages of the research were: determination of Land Mapping Units in areas with a change in land use; field survey; laboratory analysis; determination of Minimum Data Sets (MDSs) or Minimum Soil Fertility Index (MSFI); analysis of Soil Fertility Index (SFI). The research results show that the change in function of 231 ha of land in Girimarto Sub-district is due to the topographical factor of the mountain region and the shortage of water. This change in land function has caused an increase in the soil fertility index. Soil fertility in paddy fields is classed as moderate but after undergoing a change in function to dry land, its classification increases to moderate-high. The increase in soil fertility index of dry land is due to the fact that farming patterns on dry land use more animal manure, which has a long-term residual effect on organic matter content. In order to maintain and improve the fertility of paddy field soil, it is necessary to add organic fertilizer as well as inorganic fertilizer.

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How to Cite
Mujiyo, M. ., Puspito, G. J., Suntoro, S., Rahayu, R. ., & Purwanto, P. . (2021). The Effect of Change in Function from Paddy Field to Dry Land on Soil Fertility Index: 10.32526/ennrj/20/202100127. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 20(1), 42–50. retrieved from
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