Microbiological Quality and Sanitation of Food Stalls and Drinking Water Vending Machines 10.32526/ennrj/21/20230014
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Consumption of food from food stalls and water from vending machines has recently increased in Sakon Nakon Province, Thailand. This study investigated the microbial quality of food stalls and the sanitation of drinking water distributed through water vending machines. Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, and Vibrio cholerae were detected using polymerase chain reaction. In total, 33 food samples were collected from food stalls and 63 drinking water samples were collected from water vending machines. The results identified E. coli in 6.06% of the food and 11.11% of the drinking water samples. Salmonella spp., S. aureus, and V. cholerae were not detected in any of the food or drinking water samples. Food sanitation assessment indicated 21 (63.64%) of the food stalls did not meet the standards for drinking water as it was not stored in clean and closed containers equipped with a tap or nozzle. Regarding the sanitation of the water vending machines, the businesses failed to inspect the physical, chemical and biological aspects of water quality and never used a simple bacterial test kit to check water quality. It is concluded that the relevant government officials should educate the vender on food safety and hygiene as well as enforcing regular monitoring of the quality of food stall and drinking water vending machines.
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