Do Managed Hill Sal (Shorea robusta) Community Forests of Nepal Sequester and Conserve More Carbon than Unmanaged Ones? 10.32526/ennrj/21/202200259
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Nepalese community forests are globally recognized for sustainable forest management and improving the livelihoods of forest-dependent communities, but their contribution to carbon sequestration in trees and soil is rarely studied. This study was performed to understand the effect of management practices on carbon stock of two community forests (CFs) - Taldanda (managed) and Dangdunge (unmanaged) - dominated by Sal (Shorea robusta) in the mid-hills of Nepal. Twenty-one concentric sample plots, each of 250 m2, were laid out in each forest to estimate different carbon pools and a stratified random sampling intensity of 0.5% used to collect data. Results showed significant (p<0.05) differences in above and below-ground biomass and carbon sequestration potential between the two CFs. The managed and unmanaged forests had total carbon stock of 269.3±27.4 and 150.0±22.7 ton/ha, respectively, demonstrating 1.79 times higher carbon stock in the former than the latter. The managed forest had significantly (p<0.05) greater mean soil organic carbon (SOC) stock than the unmanaged forest. The SOC was highest in the upper soil layer (0-10 cm), with a steady decrease as the soil depth increased. All other measured carbon pools values were higher in managed compared to unmanaged forest. The difference in carbon stock was due to the manipulation of different forest management activities, including thinning, timber extraction, fire control, grazing, and fuel wood/fodder extraction. The study suggests that the implementation of proper forest management would be necessary for enhancing carbon stock in forest trees and soils.
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