Spatial Green Space Assessment in Suburbia: Implications for Urban Development 10.32526/ennrj/22/20230153

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Sura Pattanakiat
Sirasit Vongvassana
Thamarat Phutthai
Pisut Nakmuenwai
Theerawut Chiyanon
Voravart Ratanadilok Na Bhuket
Thunyapat Sattraburut
Pathomphot Chinsawadphan
Kajornsak Khincharung


Nonthaburi, a suburban province adjacent to the Bangkok Metropolis, has experienced a reduction in green spaces due to urban expansion. This study quantified Nonthaburi’s green space through visual interpretation of land use and land cover (LULC) using THEOS and Sentinel-2. Areas of green space were extracted using remote sensing indices and pixel-based classification based on THEOS.  The extracted green area was then integrated with the existing LULC patterns to align with the green space characteristic established by Thailand’s Office of Natural Resource and Environmental Policy and Planning. This includes public services, functional utility, median strips, community economics, fallow, and natural green space. The analysis of green space management and planning utilized the Urban Green Space Index (UGSI), Per Capita Green Space (PCGS), and accessibility to public green space. The results revealed that Nonthaburi comprises a green space area of 465.29 km2 or 73.06%, exhibiting a higher prevalence within its western region while displaying a relatively lower extent in the urban zone adjacent to the Bangkok Metropolis. The per capita green space is 367.71 m2 but decreases to 255.82 m2 when accounting for the latent population, meaning it still meets the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Currently, only six parks (single and clusters) meet the criteria for public green space. Additionally, both fallow and median strip green spaces (at road interchanges) need to be considered for their potential use in new public service. Furthermore, very high-resolution imagery from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) should be used for green space planning by the organization.

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How to Cite
Pattanakiat, S., Vongvassana, S., Phutthai, T., Nakmuenwai, P. ., Chiyanon, T. ., Ratanadilok Na Bhuket, V., Sattraburut, T. ., Chinsawadphan, P. ., & Khincharung, K. . (2024). Spatial Green Space Assessment in Suburbia: Implications for Urban Development: 10.32526/ennrj/22/20230153. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 22(1), 76–92. retrieved from
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