Enhancement of Shear Strength Properties of Soft Clay Using Coir Fiber-Coconut Husk Ash-Wood Ash Mixture 10.32526/ennrj/22/20240065

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Anita Widianti
Hafizh Pratama Wiandri
Anita Rahmawati
Dian Eksana Wibowo


Soft clay is a problematic type of soil because it has high water content, low shear strength, low bearing capacity, and high compressibility. This study explores the effectiveness of stabilizing soft clay using a combination of coir fiber, coconut husk ash, and wood ash. This research investigated the impact of incorporating 0.75% coir fiber and varying levels of a coconut husk ash-wood ash mixture (ranging from 0% to 10%) on the shear strength properties of soft clay. The study applied two different curing times: seven and 21 days. An unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test was conducted following ASTM D2850-03. The results demonstrated that combining coir fiber reinforcement with chemical stabilization through the ash mixture significantly enhanced the deviatoric stress, cohesion, internal friction angle, shear strength, and elastic modulus of soft soil. Specifically, an 8% ash content with a 21-day curing time achieved the highest deviatoric stress and shear strength. This highest shear strength value was 210% greater than soil solely reinforced with coir fiber.

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How to Cite
Widianti, A., Wiandri, H. P., Rahmawati, A., & Wibowo, D. E. (2024). Enhancement of Shear Strength Properties of Soft Clay Using Coir Fiber-Coconut Husk Ash-Wood Ash Mixture: 10.32526/ennrj/22/20240065. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 22(5), 476–482. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ennrj/article/view/253073
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