Nexus between Livelihood Strategies and Food Security Status in Landslide-prone Areas of the Gammo Highlands, South Ethiopia: A Quantitative Analysis 10.32526/ennrj/23/20240204
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Investigating the relationship between various livelihood strategies and food security status is crucial to understanding how different economic activities impact access to food security. This study explores the relationship between multiple livelihood strategies and the food security status among rural households vulnerable to landslide hazards in the Gacho Baba District of the Gammo Highlands South Ethiopia. Data were collected from 289 statistically selected sample households in the district employing multistage sampling techniques. Questionnaires assessed the demographic, socioeconomic, and food security-related data. Meanwhile, livelihood strategies were categorized based on on-farm, off-farm, and non-farm activities. Food security status was assessed using the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS), Food Consumption Score (FCS), and Reduced Coping Strategies Index (RCSI). Pearson correlation and one-way Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) were inferential statistical tools used for data analysis. The Pearson correlation analysis revealed significant negative associations between livelihood strategies and food insecurity indicators. This suggests that diversifying livelihood activities is the best way to lower levels of food insecurity. Furthermore, the MANOVA results underscored the substantial impact of livelihood strategies on food security outcomes, underscoring the pivotal role of livelihood diversification in bolstering food security. Post hoc comparisons underscored the benefits of combining on-farm, off-farm, and non-farm activities for improved food security outcomes. The findings emphasize the need for targeted interventions promoting livelihood diversification to mitigate food insecurity risks among vulnerable rural households. Further research is warranted to explore underlying mechanisms and develop tailored strategies addressing multifaceted challenges in accessing nutritious food.
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