Community Response to Road Traffic Noise in Hue City, Vietnam

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Nguyen Minh Ky


This paper provides the outline and results of social survey on community response to road traffic noise in Hue City. The social survey was carried out at seven sites in Hue City from August to September, 2012. The average annoyance score is 3.9532 (SD =2.52484) and a noise index based on assessment of public in Hue City is unimportant. LAeq,1s was continuously measured during 24h from September 3rd to 4th 2012 with sound level metters (RION NL-21 and NL-22); LAeq,d, LAeq,e, LAeq,n and Lden were calculated by using LAeq,1s values. Lden ranged from 60.9 to 79.6 dB. The research has carried out dose-response relationship for general traffic noise annoyance in Hue City by logistic regression method. The dose-response curve in Hue City was slightly lower than that in Da Nang City and much lower than EU’s curve. There was a range of 10.9 to 18.1 dB difference between the two curves at the same percent of high annoyance.

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How to Cite
Minh Ky, N. (2014). Community Response to Road Traffic Noise in Hue City, Vietnam. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 12(2), 24–28. retrieved from
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