The Study of Property and Ingredients of Wood Pellet from Bamboo

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Watcharakorn Chaiwattanapipat
Jakkit Manonai
Pongsit Feungoui
Chalinee Phiphattanaphiphop


Currently, wood pellet is experiencing a shortage of materials to be used to make wood pellet. The research groups have the idea of bringing bamboo, which is a plant that can grow easily to make a wood pellet which to replace the scarce material and add value to the material. The Design of experiments, DOE was used in this study by this data were analyzed by the surface response method with the design of the central composite design, CCD for the energy to optimal solution. The results showed that: The First, The proportion of soybean husk at 50%. Second, Strength of Compression at 84 kg/cm2 and the last, Moisture content of 8 % with gave the optimal solution of energy 4,736 Cal/g. All three factors have a P-value of less than 0.05, which concludes that the three factors have the significance. The equation for predicting is Energy = 5,737 + 5.61* (mixture) - 4.1* (compression) – 117* (moisture). Analyzing the net profit, it will be 1650 baht/ton. And the purchase price of standard in the energy of over 4,500 Cal/g and not adjusted for the price of more energy. Therefore, in order to obtain more profit, the parameters were adjusted from the predicting equation. The mix ratio was 10%. The compression ratio of 84 kg/cm2 and the moisture content of 8% had an energy value of 4,513 Cal/g. Wood pellet gets a net profit of 2,570 Baht/ton.

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How to Cite
Chaiwattanapipat, W., Manonai, J., Feungoui, P., & Phiphattanaphiphop, C. (2018). The Study of Property and Ingredients of Wood Pellet from Bamboo. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 4(2), 21–27. retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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