An Application of the Hospital Unit Cost by Categorizing Disease Groups in the Sample Hospital

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Prachuab Klomjit
Chanpen Anurattananon
Dararat Kaewsonthi
Supitchaya Ngamruen


The objective of this research to establish Management Information System and analyze unit cost of service. From a calculation of cost unit trial can separate data collection for Sample Geriatric Hospital by divided into five cost centers including General Administration, Medical Services, Nursing Department, Dental Department and Medical Support. Google Drive was brought to analyze the Unit cost. The Management Information System Cost unit in the Categorizing Disease Group present. This cost calculation a cost center including General Administration allocated costs. The directly patient Unit cost including Medical Services, Nursing Department, Dental Department and Medical Support. This process run through the eleven steps at the percentage of 52.38 %. The computing time is reduce by 486.26 minutes which equals to 97.93%. The system gave a satisfied evaluation which causes the users more satisfaction than the older version.

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How to Cite
Klomjit, P., Anurattananon, C., Kaewsonthi, D., & Ngamruen, S. (2018). An Application of the Hospital Unit Cost by Categorizing Disease Groups in the Sample Hospital. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 4(1), 59–66. Retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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