Microstructure and Hardness of Porous Aluminum Fabricated through Powder Metallurgy Route using NaCl as Space Holder

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Sunisa Khamsuk
Rosemarin Sukhasem
Chantra Nakvachiratrakul
Kanitha Narinnok
Paweena Wichian
Keerati Komjai


Porous aluminums were fabricated by powder metallurgy using sodium choline (NaCl) as space holder agent. In order to produce porous aluminum, NaCl powders were mixed with aluminum powders at various amounts in the range of 10 – 60 %wt. Mixed powders were compacted at a constant pressure of 400 MPa and subsequently sintered at 650 ºC for 1 hr. Microstructure and hardness of porous aluminum were characterized by scanning electron microscope and hardness tester, respectively. The results showed that the evolution of microstructure and hardness of porous aluminum were strongly affected by amount of NaCl. The porosities increased with increasing the contents of NaCl. Meanwhile the hardness decreased with increasing the amount of NaCl. Shape of pore looked like NaCl geometry and the distribution of pore was relatively homogenous. Porous aluminum with having high porosity of 61.54 % was successfully produced in this study.

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How to Cite
Khamsuk, S., Sukhasem, R., Nakvachiratrakul, C., Narinnok, K., Wichian, P., & Komjai, K. (2017). Microstructure and Hardness of Porous Aluminum Fabricated through Powder Metallurgy Route using NaCl as Space Holder. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 3(2), 1–6. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ienj/article/view/178848
Research and Review Article


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