An Improvement of Car Seat Grips Assembly Process By Applying the Line Balancing Principle

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Yuthanarong Jongjun
Methee Promsila
Seksan Singthanu
Peema Pornprasert


An improvement of car seat grips assembly process by applying the line balancing principle in the case study company that working by used operators and robots together. The current demands of order are 648 pieces/day but the capacities are 500 pieces/day. So for increase a capacity to achieve the customer’s target this research is aim to increase the productivity in production line by reduce unnecessary production times. Started from collect data for problems analyzing and determine the improvement planning. Then we decrease a cycle times by apply the work study principle, production line balancing and jigs design. The research result found to the cycle time is controlled from customer deployment at 74.04 sec in every process. The total cycle times are reduced to 9.02%, toe over times are reduced, the productivity are increased to 129.47% and the capacity are increased to 669 pieces/day.

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How to Cite
Jongjun, Y., Promsila, M., Singthanu, S., & Pornprasert, P. (2017). An Improvement of Car Seat Grips Assembly Process By Applying the Line Balancing Principle. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 3(2), 37–46. retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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