Risk Assessment in Lifting Task in the Squat Toilet Production

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Chanikaporn Maiton
Nivit Charoenchai


The research objectives were to evaluate the ergonomics risks in lifting task and to find the ways to decrease the risks. Questionnaire of working injury adapted from Standardized Nordic Questionnaire was used. And REBA technique, Biomechanics load of L5/S1 and NIOSH lifting equation were used to assess the working posture. In addition, Heart Rate Monitor was included as well. From ergonomics evaluation of
11 labors, REBA technique, Biomechanics load of L5/S1 and NIOSH Lifting Equation, showed some risks exceeded the acceptance levels. The evaluation correlated to the questionnaires of working injury, which back contained the highest risks compared to other body parts. Result from Heart Rate Monitor showed higher than 110 beats/min which was highly risks and might cause the circular system collapse. Therefore, this research presented the ways to decrease ergonomics risks, by improving work station, change the working method and designed assistive equipment to move the slip tank, which used design
principles for Thailand's labor physiology.

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How to Cite
Maiton, C., & Charoenchai, N. (2015). Risk Assessment in Lifting Task in the Squat Toilet Production. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 1(1), 31–36. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ienj/article/view/179134
Research and Review Article


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