A Mixed Integer Linear Programming for Vehicle Routing Problem

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Kanate Ploydanai
Kornkaow Thitikul
Pornsiri Sattayasaoraya
Tharinee Maneesri


This paper aims to solve Vehicle Routing problem (VRP) with Suwanpisarn Company case study.
To solve the problem, this paper employs two item including mixed integer linear model (MILP) and visual basic application (VBA) on the MS-excel. There are three steps to find the solution. The first step is to use VBA to find the distance between cities. VBA sends GPS coordinates VBA to google by using internet explorer. After that, VBA receive distance from Google. In the second steps researcher creates VRP model to solve problems. The objective function is to find the lowest cost from selection of vehicles and the routing of vehicles. The optimal solution is discovered by Gurobi premium solver on MS-excel. Typically, the optimal solution that is discovered always include sub contour. So, the final step is to develop an algorithm
to search the sub contour of vehicle and create a formula to eliminate the sub contour automatically. Next the program commands Gurobi premiums to find optimal solution until the solution is without sub contour. The study indicates that the solution can apply for the transportation of Suwanpisarn Company to replace the experience of the staff and the program is faster than the staff. In addition, the results also show that there are many sub contours when determining the optimal solution. It is difficult to eliminate sub contour by human and it is easy by program ,however; program is hard to develop.

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How to Cite
Ploydanai, K., Thitikul, K., Sattayasaoraya, P., & Maneesri, T. (2016). A Mixed Integer Linear Programming for Vehicle Routing Problem. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 2(1), 55–64. Retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ienj/article/view/179509
Research and Review Article


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