The Deverlopment LabVIEW Programming for 5-axis Milling Machine Controller by Using the Cylindrical Coordinate Algorithm

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Somrerk Poodchakarn
Juthiwat Poosimuang
Settawat Srirayos
Sutham Thammakittikun


Currently, the CNC 5-axis milling machine are highly used in the domestic production industries. Because of its advantages for reduce a time and labor. The user will always get good quality products, accuracy, precision and acceptable tolerance criteria of size and position, shape and surface roughness from them. The project of this research and development was conducted to design, develop and manufacture the 5- axis milling machine. The main work consisted of 2 parts, 1) Manufacturing a mechanism of the 4th and 5th axis which it has a rotation about x and z axis, respectively. 2) The development LabVIEW Programming for controlling the motion
of a milling cutter to operate a metal removal process with 5 axis, simultaneously. The algorithm used for controlling the motion was developed form Denavit-Hartenberg convention. Thereby the 4th and 5th axes will be a co-operation with the cylindrical coordinate (R, , Z) of a work piece. The main criteria of the cutting process was the rotational axis of the cutting tool must be a right angle with the finished surface of work piece. The systematic approach of this criteria was a comparison onto Z axis between the cutting point and the next point of milling router must be a closeness value by a defined tolerance. The results of an iterative computation will give the all of 5 axes motion variables (X, Y, Z, 1, 2). The experimental results from the test ran of CNC 5-
axis. It could be milling a sandglass geometry-foam material which had the diameter of 40 mm and length of 40 mm of a cylindrical dimension. The cutting tool had a router path followed by the motion control-variables set. The average true percent error of the diameter on a curve of sandglass work piece about 2%

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How to Cite
Poodchakarn, S., Poosimuang, J., Srirayos, S., & Thammakittikun, S. (2016). The Deverlopment LabVIEW Programming for 5-axis Milling Machine Controller by Using the Cylindrical Coordinate Algorithm. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 2(2), 28–34. retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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