Influence of Copper and Tin onto Physical Properties and Anti-tarnish of Silver Alloys 750

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Narongrit Sonjaitham
Noppanuch Puangmalee
Chumpol Inmanee
Surat Wannasri


This research was study to effect of copper (Cu) and tin (Sn) onto physical properties (specified a colored difference) and anti-tarnish of silver alloy 750. The specimens composed of Ag, Cu and Sn. The volume of Cu and Sn were varied between 15.13 – 24.86 wt.% and 0 – 10.06 wt.% respectively. The study different color levels of specimen according to CIELAB. It was found that increase of Cu affect to the color level of red increased, but the increase of Sn affect to the color level of red decreased. The study anti-tarnish by analysis changing of color level (E). The specimens were under normal environment and testing time 30 days. It was found that increase of Sn affect to tarnish rate or E decreased. But, the volume of Sn more than 2.10 wt.% affect to tarnish rate or E increased.

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How to Cite
Sonjaitham, N., Puangmalee, N., Inmanee, C., & Wannasri, S. (2016). Influence of Copper and Tin onto Physical Properties and Anti-tarnish of Silver Alloys 750. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 2(3), 1–8. retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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