Comparison of mechanical and microstructural behavior of TIG and friction stir welded dissimilar aluminium alloys SSM 356 and SSM 6061

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Amina Mekharat
Prapas Muangjunburee
Sakesun Suthummanon
Kamron Pitaks
Sivasit Wittayasilp


The objective of this research was to investigate the mechanical properties and macrostructural of dissimilar aluminium alloys SSM 356 and SSM 6061 jointed by using different processes: TIG (with filler), TIG (without filler) and Friction stir welding. Friction stir welding (FSW) is a solid state welding. An aluminium alloys 4 mm thickness was used as based material for preparing butt joint welded and filler rod type of AA4043 was used as joining the plate. The result showed that the tensile properties of joints dissimilar aluminium alloys SSM 356 and SSM 6061 by FSW were superior to TIG (with filler) and TIG (without filler) welding.

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How to Cite
Mekharat, A., Muangjunburee, P., Suthummanon, S., Pitaks, K., & Wittayasilp, S. (2016). Comparison of mechanical and microstructural behavior of TIG and friction stir welded dissimilar aluminium alloys SSM 356 and SSM 6061. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 2(3), 9–14. retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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