Work improvement in an Automotive Parts Factory

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Thanaporn Srisawangwong
Nantrakrit Yodpijit


The objective of this study is to improve the operations at the cylinder production line using work measurement, methods improvement, ECRS (eliminate, combine, rearrange, and simplify), and line balancing techniques to support increasing product demand. This improvement results in a change in cycle time for cylinder production from 23.5 seconds to 22.1 seconds (1.4 seconds or 5.96% reduction). This change leads to an increase in a monthly production output from 59,591 pieces to 63,366 pieces (or 3,775 pieces per production line or a 6.33% capacity improvement). In addition, the manpower requirement for the cylinder production line is decreased from 3.5 persons to 3 persons (0.5 persons or 14.29% decrease). Findings also
indicate that a total cost saving of 12,869.4 THB per day is found after the work improvement

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How to Cite
Srisawangwong, T., & Yodpijit, N. (2016). Work improvement in an Automotive Parts Factory. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 2(3), 33–40. retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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