Cost System Improvement of Service Rates for Medical Equipment Gas Sterilization of Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD): Case Study of Songklanagarind Hospital
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The purpose of this project is to minimize cost of the medical equipment which the process that will focus on is the service of packing the medical equipment by using gas in term of making it sterile, under the standard control of Central Sterile Supply Department or CSSD. Making the medical equipment sterile can be used by 2 types of gas which consist of Ethylene Oxide (EtO) and Hydrogen Per Oxide (H2O2). Due to, the service charge that now using it came from the rate that has been calculated for 15 years and needs to improve. Moreover, the researcher started this project by researched and collected the relevant data that relate to this project and have classified the variable in order to calculate the cost. Thus, after classifying the variable, there are 2 costs that need to consider which are the direct cost (D) and indirect (ID) cost calculated from 7 variables. In conclusion, the result of calculated the cost from 5 different sizes, GA01 GA02 GA03 GA04 and GA05, of medical equipment was indicated that the medical equipment that used gas Ethylene Oxide (EtO) in the process, the result has changed 144.04 percent. In another hand, applying the Hydrogen Per Oxide (H2O2) shown it was changed 287.67 percent, both are compared under the up to date service charge.
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