Defect Reduction in Standard Thai Rubber Production Process

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Nipon Maneechot
Phajongjit Pijitbanjong


The objective of this research is to reduce the defect of the production of Standard Thai Rubber by using Quality Control Circle to find the cause of incomplete raw rubber in drying process and the solution methods. On the basis of the Cause and Effect Diagram and the technical Why-Why analysis, it was found that the main cause was due to the ragged rubber attached to the edges of the rubber latex container naming ‘Takong’ and the unequal distance between the slots of Takong. This problem could be solved by cleaning and repairing Takong until the equal distance between the slots was obtained. The results showed that the 72.25 percent of incompleted raw rubber could be decreased.

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How to Cite
Maneechot, N., & Pijitbanjong, P. (2019). Defect Reduction in Standard Thai Rubber Production Process. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 5(1), 66–74. Retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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