Vehicle Routing of Tilapia Transportation: Case study Tilapia Feeding Farm of Entrepreneur Group in Ban Dong Daeng, Darn Sub District, RasiSalai District, Sisaket Province

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Thipsuda Kumphan
Wacharakorn Surasen
Suphakit Kaewsakul


The research is a study of vehicle routing of tilapia transportation. Case study: Tilapia feeding farm of entrepreneur group in ban dong daeng, darn sub district, rasisalai district, sisaket province. This research compared the original transport routes with Meta Heuristics method using Tabu search. The researchers compared distance and cost in the original tilapia transportation. The result found that Meta Heuristics method using Tabu search reduced the number of cycles in the tilapia transportation from its presently 4 cycles to 2 cycles. As the result, Distance in the presently tilapia transportation was 657 kilometers to 457 kilometers. It can be reduced the cost from the presently transportation which total expenses of 2,958 baht. When, changing the presently tilapia transportation total expenses of 2,030 baht. The results of the study Meta Heuristics method using Tabu search. It can be reduced the total distance and total cost in tilapia transportation ware 200 kilometers and 889 baht/ or 31.37%. From the result of tilapia transportation including to make it has more efficiency.

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How to Cite
Kumphan, T., Surasen , W. ., & Kaewsakul, S. . (2020). Vehicle Routing of Tilapia Transportation: Case study Tilapia Feeding Farm of Entrepreneur Group in Ban Dong Daeng, Darn Sub District, RasiSalai District, Sisaket Province. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 6(2), 20–27. Retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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