Influence of Filler Content and Optimal Formulation under Water Absorption of Wood-Plastic Composites Using Mixture Design

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Chainarong Srivabut
Chatree Homkhiew
Surasit Rawangwong
Apichon Thongmung Kamnerdwam


The prediction of optimal proportion of wood-plastic composites (WPCs) under water absorption for 2h and 24h was investigated. The experimental design was determined from mixture design. Factors of experiment were recycled high-density polyethylene (rHDPE), rubberwood sawdust (RWS), and carbon black (CB) with constant of coupling agent (MAPE) and lubricant (WAX), respectively. The experimental results were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANONA) and optimized using response surface methodology (RSM). The results of the experiment showed that the mixture ratios had significantly (P < 0.05) affected on short-term water absorption. Increasing of rubberwood sawdust resulted in increased water absorption properties. In contrast, the Increasing of recycled high-density polyethylene and carbon black resulted in decreased water absorption properties. Additionally, the regression model and contour plot were used to analysis the effects of factors mixture ratios. The optimal proportion of WPCs was 55.0wt% rHDPE, 25.0wt% RWS, 15.0wt% CB, 4.0wt% MAPE, and 1.0wt% WAX with desirability score combining their outputs value of 97.10%. To the accuracy of the response prediction, the optimal proportion was observed in the actual value to compare the experimental results and determine the percentage error of the experiment.

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How to Cite
Srivabut, C., Homkhiew, C., Rawangwong, S., & Kamnerdwam, A. T. (2022). Influence of Filler Content and Optimal Formulation under Water Absorption of Wood-Plastic Composites Using Mixture Design . Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 8(1), 17–27. retrieved from
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