Factory Layout Improvement for Wood Furniture Manufacturing
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This study aims to improve the factory layout for the wood furniture manufacturing. Based on several products of the case study, three most productive products were selected for this study that consist of wardrobe, bed, and floating cabinet. Firstly, the current factory layout was studied and analyzed. The wood furniture process, the area of the factory, the distance, and the frequency of moving were analyzed for the relationship of departments. To seek a suitable factory layout, three alternative layouts were designed. The first layout was designed by using the CORELAP algorithm. The second layout was designed by using the relationship analysis concept. The third layout was designed according to the production process concept. To decide to select a suitable layout within three alternatives, this study proposed the Analytic Hierarchy Process in this study. Based on the six criteria including adjacency-based scoring, distance-based scoring, cost, flexibility, convenience, and safety, it was found that the first alternative was the most suitable layout to be used as a guideline for improvement. The priority value was 0.4202 or 42.02%. When the first alternative was compared with the current factory layout, the total distance of transport in the wood furniture manufacturing can be decreased by 47.48%.
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