Distribution Design for the Cold Chain of Ready-To-Eat Fresh-Cut Durian for 3 Southern Border Provinces
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This research aims to study and design the product distribution under the cold chain that is suitable for ready-to-eat fresh-cut durian from the three southern border provinces by increasing the ability to transport durian to various regions of Thailand under a competitive cost. Analyze data by using cost model analysis together with the weighted goal programming model when focusing on the lowest cost of transportation, the lowest time of transportation, and the lowest total distance used for transportation. The results showed that for the route from the processing plant in Yala Province to the distribution center in the central region (Bangkok Province), the northern region (Chiang Mai Province), and the northeast region (Khon Kaen Province) should use multimodal transportation because this distribution pattern for this route has the minimum cost, time, and transportation distance. While the route from the Yala processing plant to the southern region (Surat Thani Province) should use a transport vehicle that applies the ice-slurry because this distribution pattern has the lowest transportation cost and distance. Although the transportation time is not the lowest, it does not significantly affect the quality of the ready-to-eat fresh-cut durian.
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