Project Management for Arranging Wedding Ceremony

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Saowanit Lekhavat
Chonthicha Padsang
Phantisa Limleamthong


The purpose of the Project Management for Wedding Ceremony is to systematically plan and prepare the wedding ceremony day. There are a wide range of activities for organizing the Wedding Ceremony, starting from setting the date, making invitation cards, listing the guests until handing out cards to invite guests. However, there are external constraints regarding the auspicious Wedding dates which are very attractive among the brides and grooms so that the popular contractors are usually booked on these dates very quickly. The efficient project management is, therefore, a key success for organizing the wedding projects to achieve the project objectives under existing constraints. In this research, the objectives were to study a systematic approach for the planning of the wedding ceremony. A clear sequence of activities has been established and the project management process was analyzed to complete the project plan accordingly, and some tasks can be expedited to shorten the overall project period by applying PERT/CPM techniques and programs Microsoft Excel. The results of the analysis showed that the project had a total project period of 178 days and total cost was 734,858 baht. The project was able to be accelerated by 3 days at a cost of 5,000 baht, which could shorten the project critical period from 176 days to 173 days.

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How to Cite
Lekhavat, S., Padsang, C. ., & Limleamthong, P. . (2022). Project Management for Arranging Wedding Ceremony. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 8(2). retrieved from
Research and Review Article

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