Approaches for Improvement the Innovative Product Development Process Framework

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Nipon Tiempan


The objective of this research is to study the factors supporting the product innovation development process and to propose a proposal for an innovative product development process framework of a case study company, a manufacturer of automotive parts. To be used as a guideline for the development of innovative products within the company more efficiently. This research employed both qualitative and quantitative methodology in which all data were collected from several sources including documents and in-depth interviews of the semi-structured from people involved in the company's product development process. By the conceptual assessment framework, the researcher has studied and reviewed the relevant literature. The research results identified that top managements emphasize driving factors including strategy of the product development process, innovation organization, cross-functional work, and sufficient resources. The researcher found a gap in the process of developing innovative products, idea generation process, innovation process, and voice of customer focus. So researcher proposed the product innovation development framework name is “The Fugle Innovation Process”. A framework that illustrates the workflow from conceptualization concept evaluation developing an ideas into reality and leading to commercial use on the basis of considering both internal and external contexts including support from the business strategy, knowledge management, organization management, and to encourage the innovative corporate culture. To support the implementation of innovative product development processes to be effective and sustainable continuous.

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How to Cite
Tiempan, N. (2022). Approaches for Improvement the Innovative Product Development Process Framework. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 8(2). Retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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