Characterization of aluminum composites reinforced with ZrB2 particles

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Klaikangvol Niyomsilchai
Sarunporn Minchai
Phromphong Pandee


In the present study, AA4032 with high Cu composites reinforced with zirconium diboride (ZrB2) particles were synthesized by the in situ reaction of molten aluminum with salts K2ZrF6 and KBF4. The composites were characterized using XRD, OM, and SEM. According to the findings, the amount of primary Si particles rose as the Cu concentration increased from 1 wt.% to 3.5 wt.%. The XRD patterns confirmed the formation of ZrB2 particulates without the presence of any other compounds. The formation of ZrB2 particles refines the eutectic Si phases of the aluminum matrix extensively. The hardness of the material was improved by adding high amounts of Cu and ZrB2 particles.

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How to Cite
Niyomsilchai, K., Minchai, S., & Pandee, P. (2022). Characterization of aluminum composites reinforced with ZrB2 particles. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 8(2). retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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