Improvement of Raw Material Storage System: Case Study of Furniture Factory
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This research aims to study and improve the raw material storage system of a furniture factory as a case study of picking-time reduction. The study showed that there was no raw material storage system and a mixing placement of different types of raw materials occurred. After improving the storage of raw materials by means of fixed location storage and commodity storage, the picking time of raw materials was decreased. It was found that the average time for raw material picking decreased from 8.54 to 1.96 minutes, or a decrease of 77.05% and 9.41 to 1.96 minutes, or a decrease of 79.49% for the wood and sponge group materials, respectively. Similarly, the average time for raw material picking decreased from 13.06 to 3.67 minutes, or a decrease of 71.90%, and 9.42 to 4.11 minutes, or a decrease of 56.37% for the fabric and leather material groups, respectively.
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