Design and Development of Self Declarations Program According to the Law of Factory Regulation Control

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Bunphot Tepparit
Nanthawan Am-Eam


Because of changes in the factory control law and from the review of relevant research literature. Including a survey of problems and needs in using audit programs of 50 factories and 100 people wishing to register as private auditors. and production and control processes (32%). The problem of insufficient and intermittent inspection time. (28%) and inspection tools such as lack of a checklist (28%). Therefore, this research aims to develop a program that helps in auditing factories that are effective and legally control the factory. set for the design of the program, it is written using the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language and used on the Microsoft Excel system, which is a basic program commonly used in industrial plants. The researcher requires the test to use the developed program. by 4 experts and experts, 25 private auditors, and 25 factory users. The test results showed that the user testers had a quality assessment of 4.07 (high level) and had a safety assessment. Satisfaction in terms of usability equals to 4.33 (high level), including the results of checking the correctness of programming in all 3 aspects, namely, the format (Syntax Error), the use of logic (Logic Error) and the system design (System Design Error) is valid for all test sections of the test. Therefore, this program can help factory inspectors to inspect factories and assess risks. efficiently completely correct Comply with the Factory Act B.E. 2562

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How to Cite
Tepparit, B. ., & Am-Eam, N. . (2023). Design and Development of Self Declarations Program According to the Law of Factory Regulation Control. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 9(1), 29–39. Retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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