Increasing Efficiency in Aluminum Scrap Pressing Process: Case Study of Automobile Parts Manufacturing Company
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The sample company produces parts for numerous top automakers, which results in the formation of a large number of metal scraps, particularly aluminum scraps. The goal of this study is to use compactor-based pelletizing to boost the effectiveness of managing aluminum scrap from the manufacturing process. Although it was discovered that the compactor can compress aluminum scrap up to 1,440 kg in 8 hours of normal operation, at the moment the machine can only do so an average of 266 kg every day. 18.47% of the maximal compression effectiveness was represented by this factor. The extruded aluminum lumps' sizes and weights have been observed to vary. The average bale weight for the lightest metal is 0.37 kg. The compactor's effectiveness, however, allows for up to 2 kg of compression per bale. To monitor the actual workplace, the researcher makes use of the concept, ‘3 GEN’. The actual production procedure and details on actual issues that arise. The extruded aluminum lumps were discovered to have 3 sizes of thickness: 1.5-2.5 centimeters, 4-6 centimeters, and 7-10 centimeters. Utilizing the Why-Why Analysis of the issue, stakeholders engage in brainstorming. The shaping of the scrap was discovered to have a direct impact on the shape and weight of the extruded aluminum lump. If the chips are large, the aluminum lumps are short and lightweight but if the crumb is small, the aluminum lump will be long and heavyweight. Therefore, in order to save time and prevent staff fatigue, aluminum scraps are offered to be shred to the same size before being imported into the compactor via a conveyor system. These remedial instructions are then developed using the 5W1H questioning method. The results of the improvements showed that an average weight gain of 1.86 kg per bale, or 93.00% of the press's efficiency, could be achieved for the lightest aluminum bales. During 8 hours of regular operation, an average of 1,339 kg of aluminum scrap may be compressed, indicating 93.00%, an increase of 74.53% over the compression efficiency prior to improvement, and an increase of 39,693 baht per day, or 402%, in sales value from 9,857 to 49,550 baht.
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