Production Planning and Management of Paper Bag Packaging Using Mathematical Scheduling Models

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Jutathip Leelathanapipat


The purpose of this research is to create a paper bag production plan to increase profit by using a mathematical model, a linear project for planning the production of 4-size paper bags based on sales data and customer demand for phase 2.The past year and the ability to predict production planning that needs to be made and how much data is to be used is analyzed by using Solver, an add-in tool that is built in Microsoft Excel 2019.

The results summary shows the highest level of profitability in the year. The manufacturer has increased its ability to handle all orders and has adopted a policy of hiring third parties to help them in production. Even though hiring other manufacturers to produce goods has increased costs, it also prevents manufacturers from losing market shares and also contributes to the sale of mathematical models. It is used to calculate paper bag production for 12 months. The highest profit was 10,116,713 baht, an increase of approximately 874,810.74 baht or 9.47 percent

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How to Cite
Leelathanapipat, J. (2024). Production Planning and Management of Paper Bag Packaging Using Mathematical Scheduling Models. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 10(2). retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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