Factors of Success in Developing New Car Window Visors

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Munyaporn Pooripanyakun


The successful design and development process of the product is a challenge for organizations. In the case study company, a small industrial business that designs and manufactures interior and exterior plastic parts for automobiles, initiated a project to develop a new pattern of car window visor in order to transform from an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) to an OBM (Original Brand Manufacturer) or to produce under its own style and brand. The case study company successfully implemented the project and was able to quickly introduce innovative new products to the market before new competitors emerged. This research aims to study the various factors used in developing a new pattern of car window visor (car awning trim) and analyze the factors affecting the success of the project. The researcher studied the development process of the new pattern of car window visor (car awning trim) of this case study company. The resource data and related details were collected using secondary data obtained from two previous research articles under the project of developing a new car window visor product of the case study company. The researcher also analyzed the data on various factors that are used in this project. To summarize the factors affecting the success of the project, it was found that the key success factors have 5 elements called ‘SEPIC’, which come from Speed of each process, Equipment support, Person involved, Innovation, and Capital strength.

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How to Cite
Pooripanyakun, M. . (2024). Factors of Success in Developing New Car Window Visors. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 10(1), 78–92. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ienj/article/view/254274
Research and Review Article


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