Determining the Optimal Parameters of Laser Color Engraving Processing Using Engineering Experimental Design Techniques
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This study investigates the laser color engraving process on 304 stainless steel using a color fiber laser prototype. The prototype's manufacturer, intending to create an instructional manual for customers, specified an acceptable engraving depth of 10–15 µm. However, after the prototype’s completion, no specific parameters were established for the engraving process. Therefore, the researcher designed an experimental procedure, utilizing the Design of Experiments (DOE) methodology, specifically employing the Central Composite Design (CCD) technique to identify optimal parameters for laser color engraving. The primary parameters evaluated were laser power, ranging from 10 to 30 W, and engraving speed, ranging from 300 to 800 mm/s. The experiment indicated that optimal parameters included a power setting of 17 W and an engraving speed of 500 mm/s, achieving an engraving depth of approximately 13 µm, which met the manufacturer’s specified range. Applying these optimized parameters in practical testing confirmed their effectiveness and facilitated the development of a comprehensive user manual for future customers.
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