Reducing Search Time for Quality Documents Using ECRS Techniques and Developing a Systematic Document Storage Database

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Pakdee Jaisue
Paitoon Siri Oran


This research aims to reduce the search time for quality documents in the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) and develop a systematic document storage database in an automotive manufacturing company using ECRS engineering techniques (Eliminate, Combine, Rearrange, Simplify). The study found that the current document storage method takes an average of 44.96 minutes per search due to the large volume of documents stored in limited space, making the search process time-consuming and storage space inadequate. To address this issue, the researchers developed a VBA program in Excel to manage the database and assist in document searches. The research results showed that the search time was reduced to just 6.26 minutes per search, a decrease of 38.70 minutes. Additionally, this approach improved the efficiency of document storage and retrieval, making the PPAP process faster and more accurate.

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How to Cite
Jaisue, P., & Siri Oran, P. (2024). Reducing Search Time for Quality Documents Using ECRS Techniques and Developing a Systematic Document Storage Database. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 10(2). retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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