Effect of Culture Condition on Oleaginous Yeasts Using Rice Noodle Wastewater

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Kusumawadee Thancharoen
Assama Karatoom
Wantana Thanwawwaew
Piyathida Budwong


In Kalasin Province, the rice noodle making process uses large amounts of water with considerable wastage. Most organic compounds such as carbohydrates, starch and sugar, and proteins and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus can be used as sources of carbon for microbial growth. Recently, biodiesel has attracted increasing attention as an important renewable power source to ameliorate the energy crisis and reduce global warming. Microbial oil can be used as an alternative raw material in biodiesel production instead of conventional oils. So, this study of culture conditions for microbial oils were determined using Candida tropicalis KS103 and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa BJMK43 in lipid accumulation medium for 8 days. Initial pH was set at 5.0 with incubation temperature of 30 oC. The nitrogen source was ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 at 1.0 g/L. Results indicated that C. tropicalis KS103 gave optimal accumulation at 69.09±3.18% dry weight. Our results will contribute to knowledge concerning biodiesel development from oleaginous yeast.

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How to Cite
Thancharoen, K., Karatoom, A., Thanwawwaew, W., & Budwong, P. (2020). Effect of Culture Condition on Oleaginous Yeasts Using Rice Noodle Wastewater. Journal of Science and Technology, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 3(1), 1–13. Retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jstrmu/article/view/245781
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