Analyse the Effectiveness of The Study Materials on the Computer Mathematics Course Code 2204 2004

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Manggon pinakaphank
Chatree Moonchat


The purposes of the research was to analyse the effectiveness of the study materials on the Computer Mathematics course code 2204 2004, to find the effectiveness index of the study materials, to compare the learning achievement before and after the course and to study the students' satisfaction with the use of the study materials on the course. The samples used in the analysis were a random sample selection. There are 23 units in total. The tools used in the study were 1) a learning document on the Computer Mathematics Course Code 2204 2004 2) the test of learning achievement before and after the course and 3) the student satisfaction test on learning materials. The statistical tools used in the data analysis were mean average, standard deviation and percentage.

The research findings showed that the performance of the learning document on the Computer Mathematics Course Code 2204 2004 was 82.35/83.77. The efficiency of the process (E1) was 82.35. The efficiency of the result (E2) was 83.77, which is higher than the standard set of 80/80. When teaching and learning by using the learning materials, the index of effectiveness is 0.75 or 75%. Computer Mathematics Course code 2204 2004 gives students greater knowledge about the content. Students who study Computer Mathematics Course Code 2204 2004 by using the course materials achieved an average grade after class that was higher than the pre-test mean scores at the first level compared to those students who did not study using the study materials. Overall, students’ satisfaction was at the highest level. The mean was 4.71.

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How to Cite
pinakaphank, M., & Moonchat, C. (2018). Analyse the Effectiveness of The Study Materials on the Computer Mathematics Course Code 2204 2004. Journal of Science and Technology, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 1(2), 29–34. Retrieved from
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