System to monitor attendance of students in schools, Nangrongpittayakom School, Nangrong District, Buriram

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Wanitda Boonnuan
Weeraorn Udompan


Since Nangrong Pittayakom School has 65 teachers and 1,260 students, checking the attendance list of the students at Nangrong Pittayakom School has create and checked the system by hand. Then the audited data is recorded on the computer from the above method cause problems. There was a delayed data error and the list may be lost.

The management system for examining student attendance in the case of Nangrong Pittayakom School was developed. After the development of the system is computer the system was tested with a sample of 100 users who will use the system. The test used the system found that the user ware satisfied. Good level, the average is 4.0.

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How to Cite
Boonnuan, W., & Udompan, W. (2020). System to monitor attendance of students in schools, Nangrongpittayakom School, Nangrong District, Buriram. Journal of Science and Technology, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 3(2), 23–30. Retrieved from
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