Applying for and Licensing Amateur Radio Service Usage in Thailand for Telecommunication Engineering Courses


  • Watchara Amasiri 1Thammasat School of Engineering


amateur radio, electrical engineering education, amateur radio station for education and academic research, amateur radio station license


Amateur radio service is associated with telecommunication engineering course. In addition, the relevance with professional qualification standard and the process of approval are proposed. Amateur radio use may promote and support research in communications technology. Frequency and mode most commonly used, and differences between amateur radio services are at issue in telecommunications engineering courses, according to current law. Professional standards for qualification and the approval process are examined, with possible future improvements suggested.


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How to Cite

Amasiri, W. (2021). Applying for and Licensing Amateur Radio Service Usage in Thailand for Telecommunication Engineering Courses. SciTech Research Journal, 4(1), 17–32. retrieved from



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