Low income housing adaptation strategies to flood hazard in Chiang Mai, Thailand

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Nachawit Tikul


The slums are often situated in hazardous areas which are at high risk of flooding. Despite guidelines for the
flood resilient house design, many low-income houses are ravaged by the flood waters. So, what are some suitable
low-income housing design concepts for flood resilience? This research found that understanding flooding
characteristics, household economy and the existing housing quality is an important step to create affordable
housing improvements. It is not necessary for flood resilient housing to use only permanent building materials and
structures, and there is no single method that is best for every low-income housing. Therefore, the 3 flexible
concepts were established, including eco-robust design, eco-repairable design, and eco-adjustable design.

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How to Cite
Tikul, N. (2019). Low income housing adaptation strategies to flood hazard in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 13(5), 1–8. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jtir/article/view/167382
Research Articles