Interdisciplinary Research Review (IRR)
Journal Abbreviation: IRR

ISSN: 2697-522X (Print)

ISSN: 2697-536X (Online)

Language: English

Publication fee: IRR will require from you the payment of PageCharge equivalent to five thousand baht (5,000 Thai baht) effective from October 17,2024. This is a one time payment (non-refundable).

Issues per years: 6 Issues (Bimonthly published)

Review Method: Triple-blind peer review

Interdisciplinary Research Review (IRR) is an interdisciplinary forum for the publication of original publication and the exchange of current knowledge and advances in the interdisciplinary science and technology research. Especially, the journal publishes contributions of interdisciplinary on agricultural and biological sciences, biotechnology and agro-industry, chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences, medical sciences, nursing, computer and information technology, engineering and industrial research, water engineering and sciences, environmental and natural resources, and physical sciences, mathematics and statistics, social and humanities sciences. Interdisciplinary Research Review publishes original research work, either as full-length articles or as short communications, technical, academic articles, and interdisciplinary research set.

IRR is an open access peer-reviewed journal for researchers, scientists, engineers, practitioners, and anyone focused to understand interdisciplinary challenges, reflect critically on practices, and engage at interdisciplinary contribution leading edge.

A manuscript submitted to IRR is peer-reviewed the triple-blind review system, which means the three academic reviewers and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. The entire process will be completed about 3 months.

Vol. 19 No. 6 (2024): November - December

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