Fruit morphological characteristics and fruit quality of pomelo cv. Tabtim Siam grown in Nakhon Pathom and Nakhon Si Thammarat Provinces

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Saowanee Kongsri
Pongnart Nartvaranant


The objective of this study is to evaluate fruit morphological characteristics and potential production of “Tabtim Siam” pomelo in Sam Pran district, Nakhon Pathom province; and to compare to those from Pak Panang district, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. Five to six years old tree (3 orchards/area and 3-5 trees/orchard) was selected to evaluate fruit morphological characteristics and a harvesting index at 5, 6, 7 and 8 old months after fruit set. The result showed that fruit morphological characteristics from two areas were similar. The harvesting of pomelo fruit at 6-month old presented the highest overall acceptance in both areas. In Sam Pran, total soluble solid (TSS), titratable acidity (TA) and TSS/TA ratio of fruits were 10.4 oBrix, 0.56 % and 20.3, respectively. At Pak Panang, TSS, TA and TSS/TA ratio were 10.8 oBrix, 0.58 % and 18.6, respectively. The soil analysis of Sam Pran district, showed an optimal level of pH (5.1-6.7) and high organic matter (1.4-3.8%). The soil of Pak Panang district showed high value of pH (6.8-7.3) and low organic matter (0.8-1.6%). The amount of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium of both areas were high to very high levels.

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How to Cite
Kongsri, S., & Nartvaranant, P. (2019). Fruit morphological characteristics and fruit quality of pomelo cv. Tabtim Siam grown in Nakhon Pathom and Nakhon Si Thammarat Provinces. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 14(1), 5–11. retrieved from
Research Articles


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