The prototype development of traceability system of LSB steganography in image files with Base64 and MD5 encoding

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Paisan Simalaotao


The objective of this research is to study and develop the prototype of traceability system using LSB steganography in image files with Base64 and MD5 encoding. The research methodology follows SDLC process composed of problem investigation, system analysis and design, system development and system testing. Research tool is the prototype of traceability system using LSB steganography in image files with Base64 and MD5 encoding, developed from HTML5, JAVA and PHP scripts connecting to MySQL database on Apache Web Server. Files were converted to ASCII binary bits and encoded with Base64 and MD5 sequentially, then transformed to binary bits again to replace the last bit of each pixel which was converted from the original image file bit by bit.

From the result of the experiment on the image files which have different resolution (72 pixel/inch), the file size of converted image files were not different from the original image files. When unhidden and decoding, the complete original files were discovered and traceable. It can be concluded that the prototype of traceability system using LSB steganography in image files with Base64 and MD5 encoding is efficient in terms of processing time and non-different file size from original.

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How to Cite
Simalaotao, P. (2019). The prototype development of traceability system of LSB steganography in image files with Base64 and MD5 encoding. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 14(1), 29–34. retrieved from
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