Development of a simulation program for Smith chart education

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Kanyawit Klinbamrung
Manas Sunan
Pinit Nuangpriom
Somsak Akatimagool


The research in this paper describes the development of simulation program for Smith chart education which was designed to be as an instructional media in telecommunication engineering course. The simulation that was developed is based on the GUI-MATLAB program. It consists of a GUI (Graphical User Interface) input parameter window, a calculating menu, and a graphical display window for use of Smith chart in transmission line. The performance of the simulation that was developed was evaluated by 5 experts. They found it to be at appropriated level for the students it was aimed at (mean equaled to 4.21 and S.D. equaled to 0.08). After implementing use of the simulation software in classroom at department of teacher training in electrical engineering, faculty of technical education, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, the students’ satisfaction to towards using the simulation as assessed. It was found to be at a high level giving an average result of 4.18 of the maximum 5 points. The simulation program was found to have an eciency equal to 1.02 which is in agreement with the standard criteria of Meguigans’s formula [8]. In conclusion, the simulation can be used appropriately in the teaching of transmission line course. Moreover, as well as meeting its teaching aims it helps the learner to develop wider learning skills such as understanding and analyzing.

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How to Cite
Klinbamrung, K., Sunan, M., Nuangpriom, P., & Akatimagool, S. (2019). Development of a simulation program for Smith chart education. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 14(2), 28–34. retrieved from
Research Articles


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